As I always ask people, “What is Healthy?” Meaning: what is healthy for you, may not be healthy for someone else. What do you on daily basis may be drastically different than the person you see on TV or in the magazine. Your age, genetic makeup, and also your goal all play into the equation as well. My approach is to take ALL of that into consideration when I build you a meal plan. Better yet, it will be with foods you like.

And it doesn’t stop there…

I’m also a chef.

i teach you how to cook your food

The biggest part of the equation is nutrition.
The hardest part of the equation is the nutrition.

Here is where I come in.
I teach you techniques chefs use to make the food in your meal plan easy to plan, easy to prepare, and taste really good!


Because of science. But it’s not only protocol i use…

Most people are looking to lose body fat, decrease inflammation, and some cases, fight disease. The Ketogenic protocol does all of that simultaneously. It trains the metabolism to use fat for fuel, which results in incredible transformations and optimized health. It supports weight loss journeys, promotes mind and body balance, and unlocks your potential for cognitive enhancement. The keto revolution empowers many to embrace healthy living, while cultivating habits that prioritize overall wellness and sustained energy.


Fasting your body in a state where it up regulates good hormones, kills bad cells (even cancerous), burns body fat, and even helps create small amounts of anti-aging. The question is, why not fasting? Well, you need to learn how to do it correctly.

I’ve done multiple 7 and 10 day fasts, and I continue to do ones shorter in duration on a regular basis. One of my main methods is to teach my clients how to safely and effectively fast for creating a new level of health.


getting analytics in real time takes out the guess work!

Probably one of the biggest challenges in dialing in your nutrition is the trial and error component. Wouldn't you agree? What if there was a way to drastically minimize that? Well, by using technology we can!

my fight against cancer

Although I personally do not have a battle with the disease, the battle is personal.

After losing people I’ve loved to cancer, it made me dig deeper to answer questions. Is there really a cure? What I found was shocking and bittersweet. In essence, there is a cure to potentially all cancers and it’s free, low risk, and not invasive. Finding that out has driving me to create a personal campaign of educating everyone who will listen on the reality of how you can fight and BEAT this disease with diet, nutrition, and supplementation.

I’m compiling all of my research into an E-Book that will be available for download. In the meantime, here is one post regarding fighting cancer with Keto.